Monday, May 19, 2008

Dancing and Dieting to Weight Loss!

How many times have you looked in the mirror asked yourself, "If I lost a few pounds what would I look like?" Your doctor may even have suggested losing some weight for the health benefits. If you are willing to follow the diet that your physician suggests, you will lose weight. Exercising, along with diet, can speed up the process of weight loss. It's not necessary to work out at the gym or do sit-ups and jumping jacks an hour a day. You could do things that you enjoy anyway, maybe do it more often. You don't even have to think of it as being exercise and good for you. Instead of being an unpleasant, drudge thing you MUST do, it will be fun.

Do you like to dance? Go dancing a few times a week (I sometimes dance at home, alone in the privacy of my living room--just crank up the stereo and let go!) Peppy, upbeat music helps keep the pace going and the motivation up. This is not the time to tune in your favorite easy listening tunes! No partner, or partner doesn't care to dance? Try joining a line-dancing group. It's tons of fun, plus a bonus: You'll meet people and make new friends.

Walking is one of the best exercises there is. It burns calories, tightens lower body muscles and is great for the cardio-vascular system. One very simple thing you can do is park your car in the middle of the parking lot when you go shopping. By the time you have walked across the parking lot,through the store and back again,you probably will have gotten your exercise for the day.

Some people enjoy a long walk after dinner. That is an excellent choice if you keep up a moderate pace, and it's always most enjoyable if you walk with someone else, a family member, neighbor or friend. People who live in cities with fairly close access to a shopping mall, can even walk the mall in inclement weather, hot, cold, raining, snowing.

Just by trying the above, it will not only help you firm up and help the weight loss, it is good for arthritis and high blood pressure, because by losing the weight, you are taking the pressure off your body and your joints. As the weight goes down, so does blood pressure and pain from arthritis. Many heart conditions will become less dangerous. If you are a Type II diabetic, you will see improvement in your blood sugar. There are many more wonderful health benefits to losing weight. I know, because I have lost over 185 pounds and I feel great! I have done all of the above, and am still walking and dancing. Why not give it a try? It's Fun!! --Rosemarie

Not happy with how your body looks? Check out this great, funny video!

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